WATCH Milan Lucic ejected for punching a guy in the side of the head

forward was ejected early in the third period of a 3-2 lo s to the on Saturday night after he punched an unsuspecting in the side of the head following a scrum around the net.It all started in front of the Arizona net as the Kings were trying to tie the game.As Lucic was digging around for the puck, Connauton slashed Lucic on the wrist, a move that earned him Dennis Schroder Jersey a two-minute penalty. Lucic, however, decided that was not enough and delivered his own brand of punishment, punching Connauton in the side of the head and immediately dropping him to the ice.This is the second time this season that Lucic has been ejected from a game after he took exception to something an opponent did to him. In his very first game with the Kings San Jose Sharks forward in response to a big hit.After the game, Lucic directed his ire at referee Brad Meier.Lucic wasn't happy with the sequence that resulted in his ejection. Jon Rosen (@lakingsinsider) Lucic will probably have to answer to the league for these remarks in the form of a fine.UPDATE: The NHL's Department of Player Safety announced Lucic will have a hearing for his Wesley Matthews Jersey sucker punch on Connauton.Los Angeles' Milan Lucic will have a hearing today for roughing/sucker punch on Arizona's Kevin Connauton. NHL Player Safety (@NHLPlayerSafety) If he is to be fined for his remarks about Meier, that would come from the league's hockey operations department. So Lucic could be getting double the punishment on this one.
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